The Buffalo Times from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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The Buffalo Timesi

Buffalo, New York

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4 3 urnished 76 Coal co*ke Wood I I 1 5 Automobiles Insure By Product Coif BIG BARGAINS 1 COLVIN COAL A co*kB 83'0 JE in Buffalo who have ino oo MM1 303SU UM03U 02160 OS 8J4L69 11 1043 20 50 tr oo 42 29340 30 Bright 7 rm uppers all conveniences: garage 81 and 87 Grider JE 6287 33030 41 rjOLORED car washer and Elmonlzer grease and mechanics helper exp WA 3515 S32TSU 84760 62 loxioeo 10 12 313360 It 86 15T1200 13 Where 3000 80 00103 63 7170 cotuso 69841 I 402800 9(1 7 rooms bath gas electricity 83 Potomac BI 1129 31 35811 43 130X31 92 A 5347 06 76 03 33 1T50M 381151 61 1810X85 iiuwe 14 808090 30 43 310X63 68 71 643f ATTENTION Houses or Sale Double 95 si 810048 147363 8 19884 50451 39 46006 12X31 a 18000 81 10047 00 83P0 00 88153 3167 mwlck 85 L500 00 38 3 ttfM 09 BS 1 I YOU NEEDjpNEY CALL AND ffh 465400 a 40 Nov 35 Dee 5 188461 08300 43 on 55019 836 81 102129 Lost andound 7 84110 GENESEE In Memoriam Ap HIT 80 WILBERT In loving 'memory CENTURY L1I948 CHILDREN 1767 60 TEMPERATURE IN OTHER CITIES 883 80 CTT1B8 40 35131 rw0 gB iimose t49 8 8 the orle 0 738 738 20 ing private or truck 25 experience reference CR 4934 Wayland Co Jamison Rd 1961 63 113033 Quick Service to one of our dear passed away ORD ORD ORD ORD29 ORD 4oans first second chattel mortgages or any valuable se 0 0 a 33650 40 853520 A854B3 SATO Need PERSO1 42 40 36 54 58 14 88 38 40 48 36 34 42 32 80 80 36 73 34 56 80 10 63 52 22 56 54 52 62 60 48 30 36 44 SB 38 36 34 42 46 10 14 20 24 19 26 16 36 42 unitary Marne To Call or day we loved 7 15 co*kE MONUMENTS Mark Every Grave 'f Brief Answers Randolph street Cheek An Investigation has been mt no evidence that the dog med was found lp Wanted Male I ftrd from tags $8 50 6051 iol rk )ost will two I 4 I 352 Delaware Avenue Grant' 7200 (JARPENTER Remodeling repairing storm sash verandas and canvas roofs reason able work guaranteed 973 Main TO 0310 TARGE food manufacturer wants women sell food to homes for retail dealers Buffalo district salary give phone number Box 306 Times oince A Mrs Ca Elk Your com munication has been referred to the police department for investigation 1 Mrs A Dartmouth The city engineering department reports it cannot make any perma nent improvement in the sidewalk conditions until the street has been paved Since the street is high some of the mud from there is bound to be carried to the sidewalks Raleigh San rancisco St Louis St Pahl Sault Ste Marte In loving memory daughter and sister Ida who Dec Sth 1920 MOTHER LILLIAN AND WILLIAM Phone HODGE cle3o8nd wnittry Hoad about Place prin A Box avenue Repeated itions bxr Ernest Walsh and members of the Humane So staff have discovered no cause complaining The dog apparently well fed and well cared for Connell Anthracite Coal Co East Buffalo Coal Co Theo Michael 4tou 25 Cozy modern 3 room kitchenette apt Bath adults only Tupper 0009 All 'communi gat ions to Mr ixit must bear full name and address of the sender Only initials and street will be published STEPHAN St GETHOEER 266 BAST ST DELAWARE 0849 WTI T1TNm Allan Mfg and Welding Co IV UL7L1NVJ 726 Washington WA 1750 Rm'17 mrl LOUIS 8CHLAGER SON 674 BROADWAY JE 0568 3858 YOU CAN BEf TOO PUR COATS at depression prices some have' been used a studio models rancis ur Studio 95 Mohawk WA 6158 BUALO Albany Alpena Atlanta Atlantic City Bismarck Boston Canton Chicago Cleveland Denver Des Moines Detroit? Duluth Galveston Jacksonville Kansas City Los Angeles Marquette Memphis Miami Moorhead New' Orleans New York North Platte Oklahoma Philadelphia Notice is hereby given that the general meeting of the Delaware Hill Development Company Inc will be held at the Hotel Statler in the city of Buffalo on Monday the 14th day of December 1931 at the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose at receiving reports electing full Board of Directors and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before such meeting And you will please take notice that at such meeting action will b6 taken on the proposition to increase the capital stock of the Company and the number of shares of the corporation and to create a preference accumulative interest bearing stock A WHITE Secretary 18 0 0 02 to point Columbu account tit Terms7 Rea GOLLA' 43 WEST HUI AUTO COLLISION WRECKED CALL POWSNER 920 MAIN CREDIT McDonnell sons inc MAUSOLEUMS 858 860 Main Street (near Virginia) Pine Hill and LackawannaQuarries and Works Barre Vt Memorials Erected Complete Anywhere BEGINNING THURSDAY DEC '3 SEE LAWRENCE TIBBETT 8 In Kenmore December i 1931 Peter husband of EUa Sutton Caseman fuller of Edward of Santiago Cal Judenilla and Llla Spoonly uneral from' the family residence 206 McKinley avenue Kenmore Monday morning at 8:45 and from St Paul's church at 9:15 Jacob in this city Dec 5 1931 husband of the late Elizabeth Perkins Groshans father of Albert Groshans grandfather of the late Chester Groshans Mrs Rutli Relssteck Mrs Anna Hender sonv ureral from his residence 1616 Main street at 2:30 o'clock Dec 7 Dec 5 1931 Mary A Clohessy wHe of the late Maurice Healy mother oi Joseph and Edward Healy and Mrs John Manley 'sister of Mrs Schollard Mrs O'Donnell and the late Mrs Anna Kenney uneral from the family residence 60 Heussy street' Time to be announced later De ceased 'Was a member of the Rosary society of St Agnes' church JOYCE In Lackawanna YDec 3 1931 Rose Agnes Joyce beloved wife of the late Edward Joyce mother of Mrs John Hecht Thomas rancis and Joseub Joyce uneral from the family residence 486 Victory ave nue Monday at 9 a and from Our Lady of Victory Basilica at 9:30 Chicago paper please copy AN MONEY 'AN PERSONAL LOAN CO r'TAwaanrt KR'Jil 'ROM 850 to 8300 Lons Mailed Upon Request DAN A SNYDER UNERAL SERVICE 483 John Snyder LL 3fe47 TIMES WANTADS Dial CL Cleveland tnw: mai 53 42 32 10 30 33 18 3026 40 52 58 30 52 20 40 74 3 50 38 18 33 46 32 43 44 40 18 Clean LASTS LONGER LESS ASH BURNS CLEAN STOVE EGG MORRISON AUTO HOSPITAL Call Tupper 7706 36 NORTH STREET 5 on account of I No 4 tub district No fi and maintenance ays tern of (term and Mwera in Drainage on account of prin 3 1310 054021206 0 Clear Cloudy' iouar DU In loving 'memory of our dear father Julius who passed away one year ago today December 5 1930 The world may change from year to year And iricnas irnm oiy But the memory of the Will never fade away ALL HAKCS Of UStD CARS i a ar MAY iMl wAT rooAKt KLEPER BROS INC IS85 MAW STRt ET OZ ZJt 4472 THE BUALO' SATURDAY DECEMBER 5 1931 i REWARD inders of articles advertised in Times Wan tads this week Tecelve a special reward of guest tickets from Betty Clark WE CO6MO1 605 Ml jforists' SPECIALIZING IN LORAL DESIGNS lowers Telegraphed Everywhere WYOMING AVE 550 corner 7 rooms each flat 4 car garage owner leaving city CR 2686 PERMANENT' WAVES SPECIAL: Eugene or Nestle" $1 Realistic 1 95 Eyelash Dyeing All work done by experts igsjfear MAJESTIC BEAUTY SHOP 521 Mata SU Open No 1 appointment i necessary CLeveland 3556 principal and Interait Jijnatnicilon of a lateral unitary nrer In Cloror Place alro known as Clover Street from' Woodbine Place to Meadow Place and from Meadow Plira to the easterly termfaua of said Clover Place the construction of a lateralunitary (ewer in and alone ETergreen Place from' Woodbine Place to the easterly terminus of evergreen Place the construction of a lateral unitary Mwer In and along Kokomo Place from Clover Place to Oriole Piece on account of principal and interest Construction of a lateral sanitary aewer In and along Wellworth Place from Union Road to Meadow Place on ac count of principal and interest Construction of a lateral sanitary sewer la and along each side of Union Road from Genesee Street to Orchard Place on account ot principal end interest Construction of a lateral unitary sewer in and along Merrymont Road and Brlarcllffe Road from Cleveland Drive to the boundary line of Abbotl A Beytner'e Subdivision on account of principal and Interest Construction of lateral sanitary sewer io and along etch side of Conard Avenue and each side of Vagola Ave nue from Genesee Street to Winston Avenue also known aa Winston Road: the construction of a lateral sanitary sew in and along the north side or Genesee Street from a point about 124 feet east of Vegola Avenue to a point about 142 feet west of Cunard Avenue the construction of a lateral sanitary sewer tn and along the scuta side af Winston Avenue also known as Winston Road from Beach Road to vegola Avenue on account tit principal and Interest Construction of a lateral sanitary sewer tn and along Rupp Avenue and Pine hursV Avenue from Geneses Street to Oriole Place on account of principal and interest Construction of a lateral sanitary sewer tn and along the south side of Genesee Street from Mildred Drive to a point lift feet west of Stratford Place on account of principal and interest Construction of a lateral sanitary sewer in and along each side of Awood Place from Genesee Street to the northerly terminus tit said Awood Place on account of principal and interest Contraction of a lateral sanitary sewer In and along each side of Grand Boulevard Kilbourne Road Midland Drive Rosewood Terrace West tend Trr race West Grand Boulevard Grand Boulevard south aide tit Geneve street Harlem Avenue to Midland Drive an ranfinc nr nnnriMi ann Construction of lateral sanitary seweh tn 'end along both sides of wrrton the following streets tn wii h' is Street Reo Street Hedwig Street bert Street Ridge Park Avenue Wtxidvll Avenue ho*rner Street and on the westerly side of Alexander Street en account of principal end Interest Construction ot a latere! sanitary sewer in and along each side of Chapel Avenue from Union Bond to a point opposite Lot Numbers 103 and 103 on account of nrfnelna! and Intaraat Construction of a lateral sanitary sewer In and along each side of' Cayuga Street also known as Williamsville 1 Road 1 from Chapel Avenue to the south line of arm Lot 13 on account of principal and Interest TO Construction of a lateral eanhtry sewer In and along Dellwood Place from Gene see Street to the northerly terminus jot said street on account of principal and interest Construction of lateral sanitary sewer In and along each side of Huxley Drive from Cleveland Drive to a point 820 feet northerly of eaid Cleveland Drive on account of principal and Interest 72 rench Road Water District No 3 on account tit construction and main tenants NOTICE is likewise given that the said Town Board and Board of Highway Superintendents of said town will meet at the Town Hall In the Town at Cheektowaga at 2 o'clock In the afternoon Bast er Standard time on the 5th day of 1931 for the purpose of reviewing the said respective ap portionments and assessments bearing objections to the same making such corrections thereto as win tn thwplnlon and judgment of said board be jurt and enuWanle and making the aid respective ap portionments and assessments final Dated this 24th day of November 1931 ALOIS RCHTESEL Town Clerk of the Town of Cheektowaga Bria County New York 4277 stov and egg and nut 81380 The Original 25c Beauty and Barber 7 Service 967 Broadway JE 9739 and 1014 Broadway JE 5566 4 PERMANENT WAVE $1 COMPLETE This Week Only Good Used Can Down TUDOR 3145 5 PASS COUPE 145 TUDOR 25 COUPE 35 TRUCK 20 28 CHEVROLET COUPE 20 28 DODGE TRUCK 20 OAKLAND ROADSTER 15 NASH COACH 15 BALANCE 20 MONTHS TO PAY OPEN EVENINGS OPEN SUNDAYS 441 Walden Ave' In 1 ANCHOR COAL co*kE CO INC' EVERY DELIVERY MUST SATISY JE 7741 BY PRODUCT co*kE KANOE URNACE SIZES JE 6053 SUPERIOR co*kE 1 inj for this ttr Thre wiH nft solicitations mtnbutions should all be made't to QoL Jones ha shanks J' At" A I want tx Ank for helping me to get ri Many peoi nnn liked itJ Mrs and has a or this would be Sy large plant le to see it Every as finallv elven to is a lover of plants Tvatory of It own I felt that she to give the plant a better 016 Your the matter is ap preciate much and I heartily thank IAI MAy Mrs A 0 '0406 12 Irlve con endorsers Bldg mv igton 6046 Montreal Toronto Edmonton VZJnnioea Medicine Hat 36 Means below xero means trace MET1TSCH Tn thl rpv ne a 1011 Wil liam husband of tlje late Mary Schmidt father of Charles Meutsch of West Seneca and Mrs rederick Amend of Akron un eral from the home of his son Charles Meutsch 2743 Seneca street Sunday Dec 6 at 2:30 riends are invited Jo at tend Deceased was member of Guttenberg Lodge No 737 fc A Albany and AHelent Accepted Scottish Rites Valley of Chicago 1 uneral under the auspices of West Seneca Lodge No Illi A December 4 1931 suddenly Peter husband of the late EUa Madigan son of Patrick O'Hara brother of rank Mrs A Cusack and Mrs William Snyder of Cortland uneral from his late residence 224 Normal avenue Monday morn ing at 8:30 o'clock and Holy church at 9 riends are invited In this city December 5 1931 Michael beloved husband of Catherine (nee Corcoran) father of Alice Mrs Ellen Hart brother of John Rowan of Oneida uneral from his late residence 158 Dewey avenner Monday morning at 8:30 and from Blessed Trinity church at 9:00 riends invited to attend Deceased was a member of No 46 and Buffalo ir Department Beneficiary association In this city Dec 4 1931 Agnes Gordon Roy wife of the late James Roy mother of Mrs James Buckler of Steenburg Ont Mrs Irvine Dopklng of Claremont Ont Mrs WiUlam 'R Brown of Kenmore George Roy of North Tonawanda William Roy of Detroit Mich Mrs Janet Scheely and Bruce Roy of this city and the late James rederick Roy sis ter of Mrs Ella Blair uneral from family residence 106 Nineteenth street Monday af ternoon at 2:30 riends Invited to attend Dec 51931 William hus band of Catherine Collins father of Thomas William James Charles and Margaret Thompson Mrs Vincent Coughlin brother of Mrs Henry Sprickman Mrs John Carney and the late Thomas Thompson uneral from the family residence 131 ulton street Time to be announced later A VENUE MOTOR CORP 2300 Delaware Have a very fine assortment of late model used cars also a few exceptionally low priced dependable used cars AUBURN and other make used cars select stock low prices easy terms Stephens Automobile Corp Auburn Cord Distributors Used Car Dept 1259 Main Open evenings 5 Snow i Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear 'ja Cloudy 'JB Cloudy iJ Clear Rain jc Cloudy Cloudy Clear 4s Cloudy nma Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear ft Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy vt viear Cloudy Jf Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear All makes and models low est prices in town Carl Miller Chev 291 Triangle Used Car Annex 215 Triangle (CHEVROLET Coaches Coupes and Sedanx models 8350 up Easy A terms Your old ear in trade Hunt for Chevrolet new tot 2290 Delaware CHRYSLERS plymouth5 for honest uxi tv a ouuno and Teal value ta used cars Bee Justice 1164 Main actory Dlstrs TJODGE Sedan looks and runs like new Bargain 8385 Terms Ray Stutsman Inc 2131 Seneca Open evenings KSSPT A111 aU Standard makes of used cars Groom Motor Corp 1296 Main Open evenings all standard makes of used cars Groom Motor Corp 1296 Main Open evenings GTUDEBAKER Dictator Coupe rum ble seat clean throughout positively best buy in town fully guaranteed 3647 Terms Biggers Inc 1227 1555 Main I 2000 Ji Help Instruction 42 A PRIVATE SCHOOL ENROLL ANY MONDAY 7 shorthand" stenottpy' type secretarial Day and eves WA 6907 JE 4277 CO DE MOO JE 5246 AB 1728 Houses or Bale (Single) 94 S2700 take cottage five rooms and bathj double garage lot 76x115 ft 8 i 279 Lyndale Easy terms Apply North Main Savings and Loan Association 3276 Main St r' IN CUBAN LOVE SONG THE annual opportunity of those who have been helped by Mr ixit throughout the year to become Mr ixits themselves is at hand Mr ixit with Col Jones of the American Rescue Workers is preparing to play Santa Claus for hundreds of little boys and girls this Christmas Only instead of filling up their Stockings which are probably too full of holes anyway Mr ixit and CoL Jones plan to fill empty stomachs Last year 7000 persons were fed through The Times Amer ican Rescue Workers Christmas Basket campaign This year as many or maybe more will be in need where you get your chance' to be a Mr ixit You won be bothered with the 'cumbersome de tail of getting the food into baskets and seeing that everyone is taken care these details will be up to Col Jones and The Times But you certainly can help a lot If you give something canned goods fruit clothing money all very acceptible to those in need hard to be happy when you are empty and there are hundreds of kids a very Merry Christmas unless somethin to eat in the house The Times Christmas baskets wi be full to overflowing with not 01 the essential foods but also a few of these special Christm' delicacies which lend the yuler spirit to the table Enough ei 'tn last seveml davs avill he in So all pitch in and heir?" nations should be sent direct Jones American Rescue era 267 Elm street pay anything wrihf DflMfml I'hftmeckV'vrAa OUCCl" Service Stations Repairing 16 WV AHIRVTnil! Chpvrnlflt and ftrris rharpeJ and repair batteries repair radiators epej SOYS over 12 years to sell papers down clal equipment for collision service Marsr town bonus' and commission basts Apply Motor Corp 653 655 illmore Ave Thorne Buffalo Times i We Specialize in BY PRODUCT co*kE Every Ton Guaranteed $875 $850 Buffalo' Pittston Coal Corp south and Ohio Sts ciev 9056 Stickney Coal Co coal7 DonnerHanna and Solvay co*ke CL 0796 $375 Hardwood Special $375 One week only Per eord delivered 8855 $8 Grade A urnace gg Prompt Delivery Call AB 6183 JINDEN Bright modern 4 mxapper garage reasonable CR 6339 A TAIN eor Glenwood 7 room apts Best In 4mM WMM 1 MM MMMA AWVVSVSS SUE IUJU1811CU AWAUO EV 1EUU Miller CR 1260 MINNESOTA 387 7 rm upper? mod conv UA AMV VAIfe 44VT ry4 funeral Directors Money to Loan AUTO LOANS Consumers inance Co 514 HOUSEHOLD INANCE A Personal Loan Ci 1330 Rand Bldg Sold Bv ollowing Dealers ACE COAL Xr co*kE CO CoaT co*kt Bf Balber A Son Houses or' Rent (JOTTAGE 5 rooms bath garage 279 Lyn dale St $25 per mo Apply North Main Savings Loan Association 3276 Jain St JNTERPARK 81 or rent modern single 6 rooms garage 335 attire modern 6 rm houses $40 845 1 and 2 car garages' CR 6339 Af AIN nr Leroy ideal location for doctor home or rooming bouse low rent Miller CR 1260 $25 Newly decorated cottage all conven lences 507 Utica nr Richmond CsU JE 5300 between 9 and 5 tOST in on Seneca bag wi Borina nil fit ATI AKAOmVCZ Ifwar TtAiacrlA hmfnrt fpmxlp 11 months black and tan white markings Jlcp lltoui rrwaru iov vMgmia ob Red Sable female Pekingese and AvfiT'v Please return or Dhoni Askey 75 Avery Av Buffalo RL2187 TOST 3 steel blades about 4 It Rat nrf rninenfit at ftetevara AveJ Dee a oo Roswen Ave nx suvu Beagle hound female atra twn UfleAn hrnwn hlarlr orSItA i Rew JE 4108 Canadian Lands RARE chance to buy 14 acres best soil Bertie' Township good buildings for 60 of true value property adjoins Cherry Hill Golf Club having high elevation beautiful scen ery and real estate possibilities must be sold ln 30 days Apply A Winger Ltd Ridgeway Ont or CLev 3140 Garage and Storage AUTOS STORED Dry and warm $3 month Harvey 1453 Niagara BL 4211 004 0 0 0 0 86 AMVHU T' Rain 30 J4 Wanted Automotive A Better Price for your ear Niagara at Delavan BL 4170 MEYER co*kE SERVICE AB 2887 $8 75 111611 da7S price stove size Grade A co*ke satisfaction guaran teed Stutzman Coal co*ke Co CR 4804 RANGE co*kE $8 PER TON MIXED $875 LARGE $950 CASH PRICES TRUCK SERVICE' AB 1368 (JIRL accustomed to large volume of gen eral detail and routine work in office Also typing Salary $15 per week State experience and full particulars WriteBox 38 The Times (URL for housework one who likes chil dren 24 Lonsdale Rd Take No 13 ear (URL to play piano for religious service salary $1 for one hour Sunday nights only CsU OR '2263 Mrs Carter (URL to assist with care of baby and small apartment stay nights 142 Saranac Apt 8 DE 3347 TJOUSEWORK young girl wanted for house work Live In good home $3 week I 9176 With garage attractive modern 6 rm flats 79 VlrgiL CR 6338 $35 Karage modern 5 room upper 103 Ladner South Buffalo CR 6339 Reduced attractive modern 7 rnC lower garage opt 420 Hoyt WA 7190 Auto Trucks Tractors (1RAHAM BROS 6 cylinder ton panel truck mechanically perfect new paint very good tires will sacrifice for immediate sale can be seen anytime Sunday CR 0136 WEATHER DEPARTMENT AGRICULTURE Weather Bureau Office Buffalo Dec 5 1931 1 orecasts Tin 8 Sunday or Buffalo and Vicinity: Mostly cloudy tonight and Sunday occasional snow or flur ries probable Lowest temperature tonight)' about 20 Slowly rising temperature Bunday Moderate to fresh north to east winds or Western New York: Partly cloudy to night sliuhtly colder in extreme southeast portion Sunday increasnig cloudiness slowly rising temperature Shippers' orecast: Prepare shipments to reach destination by 8 Sunday: North and east 10 to 15 degrees other directions 15 to 20 degrees Continued cold tonight Slowly rising temperature Sunday or the Lower Lakes: Moderate easterly winds Mostly cloudy tonight and Sunday Weather Conditions 'S' The Manitoba and cold snap has advanced rapidly southeastward overspread ing the Lake Region and adjacent districts and bringing the coldest weather of the season to date The greatest 24 hour fall exceeding 20 degrees was from Buffalo to Georgian Bay Minimum temperatures early Saturday ranged from zero immediately north of the Lake Region to 40 degrees in the in terior of the Gulf States Eight below zero was reported at Durango Colo and zero to 12 degrees below over a large part of Can ada also two below in nesota There was general rain in eastern dis tricts on riday while numerous places re port 'light to moderate snows Saturday morning In many parts of the country Cape a3s Hatteras reports a 24 hour rainfall of 2 74 Inches 1 Slowly Rising Temperature Sunday The cold snap will continue In the Buf 'xgf fato through Saturday and Satur day night followed by a stow rise in tem perature Sunday but there Is no warmTO weather in sight The weather will remain 1 partly cloudy to cloudy with some prob 1 sllity of occasional snow or flurries Roswell Mex which is not far from the Mexican border reports minimum tem perature of 12 degrees above aero Saturday morning The cold wave from New Mexico I to Wyoming has persisted all this week The coldest Dec 5 at Buffalo was in 1886 when three below aero was reported The highest temperature past 24 hburs I 42 degrees lowest last night 19 degrees The temperature has been 2 degrees below normal for the period Precipitation past 24 hours 52 inch Unmelted snow trace The sun sets today at 4:42 and riaM tn 't' morrow at 7:33 1 LUPE VELEZ JIMMY DURANTE ERNEST TORRENCE KAREN MORLEY Airl for housework (white) stay nights aua ijexington ru nlRL young for general housework refer ences prefer one who lives in nelgbbor hood $4 372 Johnson St upstairs (iIRL for housework good home stay in night 337 Ridge road Lackawanna (URL or woman for light housework $3 and room and board TU 10066 QIRL young for light housework 149 But ler avenue upstairs (IIRL for general housework one who wishes good home $3 244 Loring Ave (URL wanted to assist with housework $3 week RE 8260 GIRL White experienced and educated 30 to 25 housework and complete charge of two children for business couple sleep in Write Box 27 The Times Business Opportunities BUY or sell your business thru the Business Excnange? aoa mmwooa OR Hotel 11 rooms 25 Buffalo 2 acres of land surroundQjg UiUOU (K7 BU1U Uli EULUUUb IHUCOO price Apply Louis Halman 56y 251VQ Z4J w1 PAGE 13 15 Cozy 4 room upper electric 966 Gene Se St WA 6537 on 6 rooms bath electric newly decoratediW' 144 orest Ave WA 6537 illmore I 6538 "REPLACED AND REPAIRED 559 MAIN ST Situations Wanted Male 47 QHAUEUR ex service mgr wishes pri vate position 15 yrs exp in driving and repairs high class cars will go anywhere free to travel excellent references for in tervlewcaU DE 7745 Personals A Modern treatment Ior 11 to 9 85 Whitney Pl A A ANY Room 85 Call write monds platinum gofe in any condition ih 1 aeuver ea ta mono Juaunory doll part albert for light housework oot of Gull St on Towpath call rank Dingman BL 0504 RL Young for light housework Good home $3 TU 7789 TOWN THE 09 ERlrimKT0W'4aA COUNTY ALLmAT1B Or NBW TO OWsnramSS18 HATOrG OB CLAIM IN AN gHgmp 0B INTEBKBT THEBBIN AND TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN el HlsteraTAnni Ton Board tad Board towist hX lh Town Utea? Mur atited bsrels nd about iha herelnehar mentioned tn filled In th Mrt the fteperrlew improvements aaalnct fitted to the portion of thJrmt in honing ITEM i J11 ITEM perluot srsdtos dteinlng sno Drive i ITEM'S ITEM Si fw the eonJtrutUov et Ude ef lyl onS the Mirerly dilt' ITEM S' Isul Hnt riuu4 fw nntolw gtde at TTf? n4 the wretertf nn th eeW Meo Mltl 01 1931 ld town tn op MunrMWl Uie PereiK alter stated portions resneetlvely tha am coMlrweUnjt and tnalntaininM mKni ctirr muki publlo inprmement Is Kmmed0 JnV1 "pTtrt th oremlwt ef the Im 6 lat Ridge Rmo extra width ot pare nm from Wald Arnau ro wild? Btreet Atsnus extra width at per ment Mirtw JWi retina Grsdlnc and Devin ItearhTree Road Normandy Reed Itowtend Road Winkler Boad a ponton at Uiley Rwd and jortfon tit Kaufman road Grading and constructing strip of imvemenT io reer eride along of ine Ridge ROM point HO feet south IVaeb Cree Hoad to Godssm Street grading and eonLrut two of a strip of patemeni 10 feet fn width along the wen side of Harlem Arenas potm reat outh of George Urban' Boolerard to Geneve Street eroding and paving a portionf Loxlex Rom wMonnia Road St Jamra Boad and a portion of Kaufman Road on amount of orinelpal and In Isteet i Grading and paving Omni Boulevard Lindbergh Court Southern Partway Boaewood i'orraoe and Kaetlanc Parkway on account of principal and Intrreat Grading and paring Haller Strarl Hed wig Street Woodell Avenue Oualbert Street ho*rner Street and Alexander Avenue oo amount ot ortndpal and In terest Grading and oaring Krakue Houlevard on account ot principal and Inu rnt Paving Mandala Hoad aad WoodclIfe Perrace on acrount ef principal snQ Grading and oaring Msptevtew road 1 vmioj £4Mjri uBrrvmouni iirrie merry smmh Boad Host Placs and Brlarrliffs Road on account nt principal snd In terest 4 Grading and Daring Cast End Arenoa on amount of principal and Interest Grading snd laying two extra strips of pavement with curba io end along Cleveland Drive from the westerly boundary line of Cbeektowage to the Boch Road on account of principal and Interest Greding draining and paving Preaton Road from DeJavan Avenue to Rowan Road on account of principal and in terest Grading draining ntrina and Imnrotlng Lamarck Drive from Cleveland Drlvr to the northerly boundary Um of the Town of Cheektowaga on account of principal and Interest i 10 Grading draining and paring Roycroft Boulevard from Cleveland Drive to the umtnerjy Dounaary uno or tne Town or Cheektowaga oo account of principal and interest Grading and paving Cochrane Street from Clinton Street to Griswold Street on account of principal snd Interest Grading draining and paring Merry mont Road and Briarcllffa Road from Cleveland Drive to the northerly boundary lino of Crtstriew Subdivision on account ot principal and interest Grading draining and paving Georgs Urban Boulevard from Genesee Street to Kaufman Road on account of principal wUU IiIaVsVW 1 SAGradlng draining and paring Meadow vroox araway rieawns araway ano Wlllowlawo Parkway on account of prlDdnal and Interest i Grading draining and paving Avery Place on account of principal and In terest 4 I Grading draining aod paving East Grand Boulevard Eastland Partway Grand Boulevard West Grand Boulevard Westland Parkway Rosewood Terrace Midland Drive and Kilbourne Rood oo account of principal and interest Grading draining and paving Wood ridge Avenue oo account of principal aod Interest I The eofMtruetlao of concrete sidewalks In and along each aide ot Vegola Street from Genesee Street northerly to Subdivision Lol Number 97 and the west ride of Union Road Subdivision Lota Numbers 826 327 and 828 on account of principal and interest I Sewer District No Walden Avenue aewer rental to City of Buffalo i Sewer District No 2 Cochrane Street sewer rsriThl to City ot Buffalo Sewer District No 8 on account of principal ana interest on oonaa 83 Sewer District No 8 diiposal plant maintenance I Sewer District No 8 dlspoadl plant reservoir ind basin on account of 'principal and Inlereet on bonds Sewer IMstHet Nn 4 on arrount of principal and interest on bonds Sewer 'District No 4 Pine HIDewer rental to City of Buffalo iiichm nr ri principal and Interest or bonds Sewer District No 8 sub district No i I Hewer District disposal plant Constructing a surf ace water Dlitriet No I cipal and Interest I Construction of system of storm watnr eewrre tn Drainage Sewer Dis trict No 1 tit the Town of Cheek towaga on account of principal and Interest I Constructing lateral sanitary sewers tn Andrew Arie rederick Henry and Parker streets District No 8 oncount of principal and Interest I Constructing lateral sanitary aewer in is ft tMjssier ir8iu erount of DrinciDa) and interest 8 IMnstfuriiav er a laierai i aewer In and along Kennedy from wniiam street 807 reel nonn or District No 8 on eipal and Interest Constructing lateral la Ivanhoe Road Buy Balber' Best By Product RANaE co*kE $750 BALBER SON TT7tni? 749 Eagle St: f)KW Range sue $775: i $875 Coal Stove and egg 81960 JE 3665 IRESIDE co*kE co*kE THAT'S OKE" QQ Genuine 1 uO By Product rV urnace I HOME UEL CO INC 1810 ELMWOOD AVE DE 1100 $725 By Product co*ke' Hy Grade "co*ke Service AB 4989 CTiaifgrade furnace riotlbe chesp est but the best Treble CR 5618 MARR Quality COAL co*kE WOOD uiiiuv Established 1876 I 0328 Personals 8 T)OLL Hospital repairing natural hair wigs Jack Daviy reader 376 Kim Circles Tues Thurs 8:30 WA 7960 WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone but Herbert McVeen 1699 Seneca St I WILL NOT be responsible for any debt con irncrea xor oy anyone out myseii Alien Weishelm 880 Clinton OLD gold traded for cash or new Jewelry Mrvao oUGb vQvozncriorQ jousu i dcZIgca JORPORATION 'street IVfCORPORATION v1 to A Loan Company Of New York A Pqy wash OSlfl ru lW waon UO1U 4 VUwAVA UAAk ft nn nnnsti mortgages real 733 Building Z2 xnvxv furniture autos estate or anything of building loanscj 827 BrlSbane Bldg value Ross Haf ney uuickiyr INANCE iNAI LOAN CO CLEVELAND 4386 sewer Road snd Bowin Road on account of orineipal and interest Constructing lateral sanitary sewers la Marsdala Road and Wooddltls Ter race aa account at orlnclpal and tn tareat ConatrurtiD lateral sanitary sewers in Ganeaaa Street from Pine Rids Road to Loxley Road in Peach Tree Road Normandy £aaA Bowland Road end to a DOrtlon of Loxley Road and a por tion of Kaufman Road tn the treat ef land called Ridge Helghta" an account ot principal and Interest Construectoa lateral eaniury aewera to uortlon of Harlem AreOue Pen dannis Place a portion of Kaufman Hoad Genesea Street and George Or ken Boulerard in the trad of land eallaj Ridge Helxbta No I oo account of principal and interest Constructin lateral sanitary sewers in Central Boulevard Lindbergh Court Southern Perilway Rosewood Terrace and Eastland Parkway in Ue tract ef land called "Pine Ridge Hetghta 5 an account of principal and interast Constructing lateral sanitary sewers to Maplevlew Road Merrymont Circle Merrymont Bead Briarellffe Road end Hbmeagartii Road on acount of prln eipal and Interest Constructing a lateral sanitary along eaeb aide of Haller Street frooi Wlldy Street to Dost Street on acount sf principal and interest Constructing iateial sanitary eewers In and along Krakua Boulevard Walden Avenue south side: irst Street Second Street Third Street Pourtb Street and the west side ot Harlem Avenue on account of urlndpal end (1 Oonstrurtlon of a lateral sanitary sewex in and along th south si of Gtenesee Street from Smith Street to Cayuga Road on account ot principal and interert SB Oonstrurtlon of a lateral snltsrv wwer la ano HMM Cri ra trots Cleveland Prien re Aurnte the oonstrurtlon of lateral sanitary MWr tn and a Ion a eah side of Aurora Road 'mo Latov Road to Marsdale Road and the ns ruction of lateral sanitary wer in end along the west side of narnm Avenue from Cleveland Drive in the north line at th uTown nf nhreVnwtjro nn count of orinrlpal Interest Sirtrurtio! of Irteral In and eio he st Id I 'e'tnn Road frox Delov Svrtnm Bead and a la rial rs and along the vu Areonr from of hrrki I and InfasPDnl Conetrurtlori of lotetal omliar' own ijkfc io rf North! tert in wwi Acemte from Ifr ton Jtol terir tBreiiru and ate a wh side nf wtbrreei Avenue rmns I'nl ar i te rhe rest erly Uris Swutlyri avenue on aromint of wlnrlnal iKerest russerirtlm TX In end al 11 Hoed 'rots rt we re'lv rermlnue ef 't 1 ron rnr 'w 2 mme 1 Lee ro to Ito "Jiprin ri iwswi Towe or Cheektowaga on account Shampoo inger Wave snd ManlcurnfS Brow and Lashes Dyed and Arch xs Trim Shampoo and inger Wave or acial Arch and Manicure Henna 3 Shampoo and inger Wave $1 MAE RICE 655 MAIN ST CL 9018 AD WORTH $100 BSD Permanent Marcel Wave toe 25 Complete 500 Permanent Marcel "Ware for 400 Complete Wo absolutely guarantee dyed or bleached hair OER GOOD TILL EB 38TH 5IAE RICE 655 MAIN STREET CL 9018 A PERMANENT WAVE COMPLETE 1 All other Beauty Service 25c estch I Barber Beauty Service corner Main and Chippewa upstairs CL 3588 Apartments Unfurnished MORRIS MANOR VAaPilxwUj AxvtS AnjiLAi i New modern apts electric reuse and refrig JjaE eration available at once rent $50 to $65 or inspection inquire 27 Morrla SB MONTICELLO 123 Modern upper and lower newly decorated $30 35 with garage NORTHUMBERLAND Mod 6 rm Up per reduced rent CR 9280 after JJEWBURG 119 near Genesee Modern house all conveniences reasonable MEWMAN PL and erry uppers Moeller avenue lower like new 2 bedrooms rsn8ftM very reasonable TU 0459 W9R MORTOUMBERLAND Mod redec 6 rm ''W upper reduced rent or appointment Ki 'CR 9280 after 5:30 "io PENNSYLVANIA 333 Beautiful 6 room up ''isjfe per newly deeorated Inq 335 Penn pTVERSIDE SECTION Modern 6 room up 'aS per vaeant Dec 15 balance ot year rent free Inq lower 90 Ullman CEMINOLE Upper flat reasonable rent to right party AB 3682 COUTO BUALO 111 Pomona Pleasant small upper bath garage AB 2928 QYCAMORE 199 Pleasant 7 rm upper A rafi modern conveniences reasonable WA 2426 TROWBIUDGB ST Modern 3 bdrm flats sun porch gar also bungalows AB4797 TXT BALCOM nr Large 4 bdrm up per newly dec $35 gar optL LI 1484 DRISCOLL UNERAL HOME 1336 MAIN ST TUPPER 1338 GIAMBRONE BROS Reasonable sympa thetlc service 531 Niagara St TU 2456 EDWARD GLASCOTT uneral Home 1027 ABBOTT RD ABBOTT 5106 HOLZ NEUKIRCHEN Inc' uneral Dlrec tor 279 281 Broadway WA 1380 WA 1381 JE 8076 JE 7741 MILORD JENNISON 357 ELK STREET WASHINGTON 2755 WILLIAM LENAHAN UNERAL HOME 2047 SENECA ST ABBOTT 2645 1086 THEODORE OERS 1820 SENECA ST ABBOTT 3212 JOHN 1691 MAIN ST BIDWELL 6325 ROBERTS 8t SMITH 260 PLYMOUTH AVE JU O523 SAUER HOLZMANN 823 GENESEE ST PHONE JE 7183 HENRY 8AUERWEIN uneral Home 2268 Main Dignified and thoughtful service Al) details attended to Phone CR 4219 $5 and 1506 from 'hotel Why wi A vnau CAHO mi gating Call Mr: mu vpninc a Hi VV Vork Small wages Board 13 Bet Poultney I4fffrage: YOUNG girl Aovsework willing to stay in does not have to attend WUlin Common we i motherless home state nge nationality Box 201 Times iSipTO vrcSTATE Employment Bureau Nn pm Arsed No 110 Genesee St to live in Kitchen Help Salesladies outside selling bSSl fed to assist with house MODELS non professional iigure ana cnaracter given to those most mens write xuuparticuii acxiDuon write' sox PASTRY 197 ri a Ann SOLICITORS for lau VUUUUUMUUU XMeCAl 9811 lift I LI 0504 5 Towi customers: 59 '348 Warwick CR lor light housework foot of Gull xxunuuys to worth investi lurott CR 8095 Satur iuajr black name OST White wire haired terrier markings pet answer 7 rxease can ka uia re PACKAGE containing pareland stockings lost marxei oaturaay ui ncwi ring ap aippewa 6860 Help emaL rvi ajxtuxiXj uuupxe ior uurs in exchange for living Urt UWi lanitor work cr fnv owtlaiH wa VSWVM ly preference or dppoint id nersonal de 1 Times office Call between Helpanted emale 42 IRT K1MGEK WAVIJiK 'PLY 175 EAST GENESEE Waver WalhririiTP Rlriff to take care of anartment and nre dinner must have experience In house good cook know how to serve hours to 8 Call CR 4352 after 5 Ex 1 iftoioa rwoxEil I 1 ft ZBiet) I'V I U5 I Mk ft 14? 8 yf a A 111 IIW i WMa I 'Pc A a I ft: 78a 11 ui BUVtaAA KTSitUl 191 CLTU nN ST i i VUWwnfc 1 Jt 1 4 ma A am ik eft jteft SJKaj eb Ki 7 TfCfii A 9 (1 I sn 1 Board room laundry $9 forone 16 for two: privileges CR 8556 vxtOHLERS Warm room for business girl private home privilege JE 0860 Rooms urnished INVESTIGATE UNKNOWN PERSONS ASKING Payments in Advance 7 do not make advance payments' is what you should say to persons or com panies unknown to you Promises of renting rooms or houses or of selling personal property or of offering or employment are open to when money is demanded in ad vance Investigate before paying for such service Information may always be had (without charge) by calling the: BUALO BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU 580 Ellicott Square CL 8147 J3RYANT 368 Single room $4 also pretty 3 room apt complete kitchen bath $850 rjLEAN rooms 50c per night $3 per week 120 Seneca CL 9041 0OLLEGE Attractive double twin beds private tile 'bath shower hot wat heat tire place loung rm also single GR 1843 (CONNECTICUT 359 Clean warm sleep rms American fam car lines GR 3080 TYELAWARE 62 Live downtown quiet comfortable except values $250 and up DOWNTOWN Nicely furnished rooms steam heat hot wat $3 wk CL 7655 64 Delaware pARGO AVE 20 Rooms in select private home hot cold water parking space TpOREST AVE 443 Clean steam heated rooms maid service $2 weekly up RONT ROOM with twin beds garage avail able 15 Princeton Blvd RL 8176 (CENESEE 550 Nicely furnished single and double room 350 and up (JINMAN 128 Sitting bedroom kitchen ette garage car and bus line RI 6071 HOTEL WORTH 200 MAIN ST Live in a hotel this winter Warm rooms hot and cold water $7 8 $9 weekly Rooms with private bath $1050 $1200 KENSINGTON Beautiful room In pri vate family lady preferred CR 0852 JEXINGTON J3()4 Bright comfortable room running water cooking privileges TEXINGTON 283 Comfortable room In up per apt 1 or 2 people ref TU 3142 Ef AIN 664 Large warm room with kltchen ette $5 Right downtown WA 8169 JLf AIN 1703 Large cozy' front room alsoJ'L rear room $4 and $5 up (TXORD Mata Nicely furnished warm room garage I 0855 PENNSYLVANIA 342 Convenient hskpg sleep' rms at depression rates TU 2327 POTOMAC 581 near Elmwood One roonC with kitchenette and water BL 5710 PICHMOND Pleasant steam heated room for man In private apt 771 9663 PICHMOND 42 Attractive room prlv bath steam heat single room garage heated OENECA Cazenovia Widfcw will share home with couple or business glrL AB 0215 ST Pt 48 Large front room with alcove $750 per week TU 7990 TTJA 'Wni'P Home of 200 regulars iiiwiiuuninien only club features Cafe $4 $5 $6 weekly 203 Wash Ington cor CarrolL HURON 165 Housekeeping also sleeping rooms at depression rates TXT TUPPER 218 Two cozy hskpg rooms $550 week for steady employed tenant TUPPER warm rooms In private home gentlemen board optional upper TyEST HURON Warm clean rooms $250 to $4 transients 50c up 14TH ST 353 fa ice dean cozy rooms rea sonable rates Rooms and Housekeeping 78 BRAYTON 82 Three large rooms bath sink and range $6 near Rhode Island TJELAWARE Delavan liv'g rm bdrm kitch enette everyt'ng furnished $50 BL 1427 gDWARD Light housekeeping rms all conveniences garage CL 9605 JpOREST AVE 2 rm apt $6 3 rm apt $7 all conveniences Included VRANKLIN 306 Partly furnished 4 room apt bath hot water heat WA 6212 QRANT 116 3 room furnished apt over stuffed $650 also 1 rm prlv $350 JJO PeArl 163 Hskpg rm steam heat hot and cold running wat 1st floor $350 (TXORD 190 Living room bedroom con necting front fireplace suitable for two pOTOMAC front hsekpg rooms nice ly furnished sink steam heat $650 pROSPECT 430 Rms steam heat hot cold water phone elec washer garage $5 CjOUiH BUALO 56 Lilac 3 rooms nicely furnished apartment adults reasonable $7 ATTRACTIVE front 2 rms heat gas elec linens gar adults 42 Layrence Where To Eat In Buffalo 79 7" YOUNG'S RESTAURANT CHOP SUEY SPECIAL 45c 69 WEST CHIPPEWA STREET Apartments urnished 82 '401 DELAWARE AVE Colonial Apartments KITCHENETTE APARTMENTS NOW AVAILABLE Reasonable Live right downtown on the Avenue Convenient to stores work shows and everywhere Also single' furnished apartment APPJLY SUPERINTENDENT ON PREMISES 8907' a AMIANTUS IREPROO 18TH AND RHODE ISLAND Newly decorated nicely furn 4 and 5 room apts $45 to $60 unfur $35 to $45 TU 8498 AMHERST '(1015) cor Delaware nrn or unfurn apts reas to desirable tenant BRECKENRIDGE 81 Completely furnished apartment private bath ((RIDER 636 urn or unfurn 3 and 4 rms conveniences kelvtaator reas CR6305 TNWOOD near Delaware easily furnished 6 room upper apt $60 BL 5948 (JIVING ROOM dinette bedroom tile kitchen bath Murphy bed rtgidaire furnished new unusually fine $50 CL 1140 LOOKING for desirable party to share my apartment North Park section JE 5126 PUTNAM 29 near erry 2 rooms completely furnished $6 wk BL 5854 gOUTH PUTNAM bedrooms light gas garage $9 week BI 2111 vy ERRY Completely furnished 4 rm heated apt priv bath $50 GR 3810 TyEST 779 Large kitchen parlor 2 bed room heated Please look this over VvENT AVE 231 Steam heated 5 room apt rlgldaire janitor service "VyiLL share furnished apartment in South Buffalo with 3 girls or couple reason able AB 0407 after 6 Unfurnished 83 ARGUS STREET Upper 3 bedroom flat hardwood throughout: tile bath and vestibule 76 Newly decorated 5 rnt lower aU conveniences garage reas 2197 BRUNSWICK BLVD Modern 7 room upper flat reasonable rent 2437 (JALUMET Apts 305 Tacoma Modem heated 5 room apt CR 6339 DE 0271 (JARMEL RD nr Modem 3 rm apt private bath garage CR 4686 CHELSEA nr Delavan Mod upper Attractively dec J35 with garage 8834 0OLUMBIA Pkwy 4 West Seneca New upper 6 room hot air bath shower EkRY 106 Pleasant 7 rm upper lower all conveniences garage WA 1730 JJASTWOOD PL 90 nr Main modern 6 rm lower hardw floor Inq 284 Humboldt 323 ive room flat modem conven ience newly decorated $20 ULK ST 546 Cozy 5 and 6 room upper and lower flats $9 (JAR LEM1 1139 south of Kensington near school beautiful upper $25 with garage (JARTWELL RD Attractive modern 5 rm upper garage reasonable rent 7 HEATED modem improvements reas 1493 Hertel WA C563 (JERTEIa 1525 Attractive modern heated apartment reasonable rent WA 0563 (rENMORE Modem flats house garage Dewey St Co 2727 Delaware RI 3905 ENSINGTON Section 93 6 rm upper flat garage reasonable TEROY Modem 6 room lower? largo bedroom $30 Dr Brownsg OR 2987 Maar Established 1976 032 SUPPLY CORP We Most Satisfy 4n ''4377 Hyland Coal Co Al Tonawanda Byrne uel Corp Tonawanda Thiele Bros Marthnvllle Olsker Blds Sap St Coal Niagara an CHIE electrician wants position age 35 14 yr experience AC and DC construction and maintenance Best ref will go any where Write Box 199 The Times uptPERT painter desires to exchange serv ice for room and board Quinn 50 Seneca QENTLEMAN would like work of any kind in Buffalo and vicinity can furnish latemodel cat 7025 evenings TANITOR position wanted by handy man experienced Write Box 200 Times MAN 44 wishes steady position porter handy man rank Custer Ellicott cor Tupper Grocery WA 9007 MAN 30 wants winter driving job for ex penses Write Box 188 Time office PAPERHANGING $4 per rm paper furnlsh ed any part of city also painting CR 4891 PAPERHANGING and painting 15c roll good work TU 8502 pAPERHANGING 3 rm with your paper plastering references If required CL 8774 pAPERHANGING Al work teas wood work and firs refinished Perry JE 6280 pAPERHANGINCx and painting reas work guaranteed Call JE 3269 red EPAIRING meat and bread slicers all' make specialist RI 3480 STATIONARY engineer 2d class Good me chanlc janitor etc Dewey 174 Glenwood STENOGRAPHER beginner wants work 18 yr old small salary to start BI 1583 VOUNO man wants private or commercial chauffeurtag handy man JE 2085 PonltiTr and Supplies 56 (50 White Leghorn laying pullets $125 each Reed Tonawanda Ok Rd nrCampbelL We Can ix It 60 CTTTNTA glass mended permanently il klns 17s near EImwood ((OUSE REPAIRING inanced Act now while prices are low Zimmermann Lum ber Inc all phones WA 1841 207 Pine urniture and Articles for Sale or Trade 61 JOS NOETHEN 51 West Ave Go to The Times Wantad office and re ceive your guest tickets to Shea's Hippodrome Theater BATHROOM outfit new complete $4950 Huber Lgnctot Hoousewrecklng Corp 860 Hertel Ave RI 2313 ELIX MINATEL 122 ROMA AVE Go to The Times Wantad office and re ceive your guest tickets to Shea's Hippodrome Theater BEAUTIUL Krakaiier Baby Grand $1025 will sacrifice for $400 Owner leaving town I 2866 Call morning HENRY LOCHTE 318 Cornwall Ave Go to The Times Wantad office and re ceive your guest tickets to Theater HOUSE Repairs inanced Act now while prices are low' Zimmerman Lumber Inc All phones JE 0204 MARY KARSA 498 Ridge Rd Go to The Times Wantad office and re ceive your guest tickets to Shea's Hippodrome Theater REGIS1UR YOUR KEYS and receive regis tration number tag and key ring 5c Times Wantad 195 Mata St Buffalo (By mail 10c) ANTHONY HORLEIN 60 Depew Ave Go to The Times Wantad office and re ceive your guest tickets to Shea's Hippodrome Theater I STERNS 65 70 Broadway will loan you a motor while repairing yours used motors bought sold and exchanged Phone WA 0194 Stern Electric Equipment Co RANK GERTIS 133 Eaton Go to The Times Wantad office and re ceive your guest tickets to Hippodrome Theater 3 BURN ER GAS STOVE ivory and green $15 466 Connecticut GR 7812 ANGELO ALLO 19 Cherry St Go to The Times Wantad office and re ceive your guest tickets to Hippodrome Theater i GEORGE DEARE 347 Peckham Go to The Times Wanted office and re ceive your guest tickets to Shea's Hippodrome Theater 'Wlree crone gas burners will sell for $15 like new AB 4381 78 Amber WM CARNALL 113 Hubbell Ave Go to The Times Wantad office 'and re ceive your guest tickets to Shea's Hippodrome Theater 1" HENRY BROUSSARD 295 Walnut St Go to The Times Wantad office and re ceive your guest tickets to Hippodrome Theater Eadio Sales and Service 62 ELEC Radio $15 up Repairing all parts Lowest price Scheller 263 Oak WA 3081 RADIO EXPERT WORK JC HUBER RADIO SERVICE 117 NEWBURGH ST I 8807 urniture Storage 67 0 YOUR GOODS are safe with Glenn Call WA 1260 Glenn St Sons inc Store and Office Equipment 70 AT Buffalo Store ixture Co 712 Jefferson Modem store fixtures for every busi ness in stock sand to order booths soda fountains terms convenient parking! AT 50 BROADWAY Meyer Smith Co special low prices on used kitchen and restaurant equipment' refrigerators soda fountains store fixtures show case etc CASH register bought sold repaired and exchanged Meyer Smith 50 Broadway (T 8 Slicing Machine A condition new knife 178 Riverside Ave RL 3430 Wearing Apparel 73 DENTIST registered ta New York State for permanent position out of town See Dr Sutlnd Main and Mohawk Sts MAN with hotel and restaurant experience $250 investment required WA 9669 Xf ARRIED couple for part time janitor work in exchange for living accommodations GR 0092 MEN AND BOYS If you find the kind of work you are looking for per haps' a ad would find you a job A 2 line situation wanted ad costs 80c a week Phone CL 5600 for help in writing your ad AfUSICIANS WANTED first class who play saxophone and trumpet Call WA 1257 Two first class No 2 Darien Street TAILOR WANTED 7 86 TRIANGLE ST AT WANTED Live wire clothing salesman Henry eldman Clothing Mfg 466 Washington NEW YORK STATE Employment Bureau Nb ees Charged No 110 Genesee St Diemaker Wearing Apparel 43 MEN'S SUITS slightly used but ta fine condition $398 5 and up also big bar gains ta topcoats trousers etc Wardrobe 107 Genesee St across from Chippewa Situations' Wanted emale 46 AMBITIOUS and capable young girl 19 years old would like position as apprentice ta beauty shop Best of references Have had high school training Write Box 205 The Timet ATTRNTTON lAce eurtatas done neat xj hv a ly 3Qs a palr eaUed Jor and delivered quick service 7721 typist gen off work keep full set books' full part time JE 6118 CLEANING ironing washing wanted by perienced woman RL 2178 CLEANING by strong middleaged American woman cheap Best city ref WA 5780 (LEANING washing part time housework ret reas salary TU 3615 after 5 CURTAINS all kinds neatly done 25c pair Call and deliver TU 1194 jiULL or part time nursing massage diet congenial companion Box 204 Times HOUSEKEEPING care ot invalid by widow will leave city Mott 467 Normal HOUSEKEEPING position middle aged ladyi will leave city 196 Times office HOUSEKEEPING practical nursing restau rant work 2289 Niagara St (upper) (TOUSEWORK confinement cases capable 1 exp woman ref 350 Bristol near Smith HOUSEWORK general or part time wanted by exp colored girL WA 1511 HOUSEWORK $2 per day and car fare no laundry BE 1133 (IDDLE AGED exp capable woman want hsewk city or adjacent town TU 7500 PART time housework cooking or laundry References BL 1813 PART time bookkeeping trial balance and double entry Call between 8 and 8 JE 1307 or 8201 RELIABLE lady will ears for children eve nlngs best of referencea CR 7033 TXTASHING ironing done ta private home rates reas will calL 192 Grey JE 3029 TXT ASHING ironing and cooking wanted by experienced woman 79 Peter St RI 9137 TVIDOW middle aged will give light service for room cooktag privileges "where no Write Box 202 Times office yOMAN with references wants day work 30c hr and car fare Will work short hrs and evenings take care of children 25c hr Inquire 88 Eagle St from 9 a 7 TXTOMAN wants cleaning by day $250 per day CL 2675 VOUNG girl wants light housework go home nights 239 Amherst VOUNG widow desires position as house keeper ta motherless home 8343 A BLE WORKERS We specialize ta male and female leming Employment JE 7018 Situations Wanted Male 47 1.

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Have there ever been Buffalo in Buffalo New York? ›

The origin of the place-name is in dispute, as buffalo (bison) did not inhabit the area; it may reflect a mispronunciation of the French beau fleuve (“beautiful river”), in reference to the local Buffalo Creek. The first steamboat on the upper Great Lakes, Walk-on-the-Water, was built at Buffalo in 1818.

Why is Buffalo NY famous? ›

Buffalo is known as the City of Light due to the Hydropower generated from Niagara Falls. Two U.S. presidents, Millard Fillmore and Grover Cleveland, were from Buffalo.

How expensive is Buffalo New York? ›

Buffalo, NY housing is 6% cheaper than the U.S average, while utilities are about 5% less pricey. When it comes to basic necessities such as food and clothing, groceries are around 6% less in Buffalo, NY than in the rest of the country, while clothing costs around 6% less .

How long is Buffalo to NY? ›

The distance between Buffalo and New York is 310 miles. The road distance is 373.5 miles. How do I travel from Buffalo to New York without a car? The best way to get from Buffalo to New York without a car is to bus which takes 8h 15m and costs $28 - $190.

How many true buffalo are left? ›

Currently, there are approximately 20,500 Plains bison in conservation herds and an additional 420,000 in commercial herds. While bison are no longer threatened with extinction, the species faces other challenges.

Is buffalo older than NYC? ›

The core city of Buffalo is the oldest historical core municipality, with 62.8% of its housing predating 1940. Buffalo suburbs, however, are considerably newer, with only 20.1% older than 1940. New York is the nation's fourth oldest metropolitan area, with 28.9% of its dwellings having been built before 1940.

What food is Buffalo known for? ›

10 Best Local Dishes from Buffalo
  • Buffalo Wings. Hit the hot wing trail. ...
  • Beef on Weck. Try a classic take on a French dip. ...
  • See also. 10 Best Places to Go Shopping in Buffalo. ...
  • Spaghetti Parmesan. Try pasta with more cheese than you can imagine. ...
  • Chicken Finger Sub. ...
  • Buffalo-style Pizza. ...
  • Fish Fry. ...
  • Charcoal Broiled Hot Dogs.

What is the nickname of Buffalo NY? ›

And of course the “Queen City,” earned when Buffalo was the second-largest city in New York State and a key location at the western terminus of the Erie Canal. Following the 1901 Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo earned the nickname “City of Light” by being the first electrified city in the US.

What does "buffalo" mean in slang? ›

v. the verb "buffalo" meaning to outwit, confuse, deceive, intimidate, or baffle.

Where do the rich live in Buffalo NY? ›

Orchard Park

One of the “Southtowns” of Erie County and Buffalo, this town is an affluent upper-class community full of large houses. The median household income in this area is well into six-figures, and it hosts several good schools, both public and private.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in Buffalo, NY? ›

Living Wage Calculation for Buffalo-Cheektowaga, NY
0 Children2 Children
Living Wage$20.99$37.99
Poverty Wage$7.24$15.00
Minimum Wage$16.00$16.00

Where is the best place to live in Buffalo, NY? ›

The Best Neighborhoods in Buffalo NY
  • Elmwood Village. Buffalo's Elmwood Village is probably the most well-known and popular neighborhood in the City. ...
  • Allentown. Allentown is the artistic heart of Buffalo. ...
  • Parkside. ...
  • North Buffalo. ...
  • West Side. ...
  • Park Meadow. ...
  • Downtown. ...
  • Larkinville.

Is Buffalo bigger than New York? ›

It's the state's second-largest city, smaller than NYC, affecting its infrastructure and lifestyle. Historically reliant on industries like steel, Buffalo now focuses on healthcare, education, and technology.

Is Buffalo NY worth moving to? ›

As the second-largest city in New York, the City of Good Neighbors is a popular place to live on the East Coast thanks to its high affordability, exceptional job market, and great recreation—including breweries, sports games, and more.

Is Buffalo NY a big airport? ›

It is the third-busiest airport in the state of New York and the busiest inside of the Buffalo-Niagara Falls metropolitan area. It is about 11 miles (18 km) east of Downtown Buffalo and 60 miles (97 km) southeast of Toronto (although driving distance is 106 miles (171 km)). The airport covers 1,000 acres (400 ha).

Was there ever an American buffalo? ›

The American bison (Bison bison; pl. : bison), commonly known as the American buffalo, or simply buffalo (not to be confused with true buffalo), is a species of bison that is endemic (or native) to North America. It is one of two extant species of bison, along with the European bison.

Were there buffalo in the northeast? ›

Historically the home range of the North American bison extended from central Alaska south to the deserts of northern Mexico and the east coast west to the Great Basin. Only the northeastern states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut did not have a historical bison presence.

When was the last buffalo? ›

In 1730 the last buffalo east of the Alleghenies was killed. In 1897 the last wild buffalo in the country, outside the preserves, was killed. Goodbye, bison.

What year did buffalo almost go extinct? ›

Others feel ecosystems are only healthy when nature takes its course. The Great Plains bison population of the early 1800s supposedly supports the superiority of goal-free grazing management. By 1883, bison were virtually extinct, and hunting is usually blamed.


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Article information

Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Views: 6259

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.