Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)

New Miss By FENTON S. ROSKELLEY Tall, brown-eyed Suzanne Thompson has been honored many times by her classmates and friends the last few years, but she never has become accustomed to being singled out for honors. "Each is just as much of a thrill as the last one." she said today after learning that she will be Miss Spokane next year. She said she didn't even think she had a chance of being named Miss Spokane. was prepared to lose," she said.

Learns News at Work Miss Thompson, who is home service director for the Spokane Natural Gas company, was typing when members of the Chamber of Commerce's Miss Spokane committee, and gas photographers, offices walked at 10:30 a. m. Mrs. Jess Schnabel, a coworker, realized immediately that Miss Thompson, she had said. won.

Miss Thompson looked up. saw the photographers and turned red. Jack Gwyer, chairman of the contest committee, walked over to her desk, told her officially she had won and congratulated her. Miss Thompson appeared flustered for a moment and then recovered her poise. Admits Surprise "I was just plain surprised." said a few moments later.

"This has all floored me." She said she had been expecting the decision this afternoon. "We had been told yesterday alternoon that the winner would be announced 1 in 24 hours." she said. "Consequently, I thought it would be this afternoon and I wasn't prepared to see those She said she had a hard time working this morning. "Everybody in the office was waiting." she said. "They were all keeping their fingers crossed for me.

They were sure wonderful." Her boss, Nathan H. Gellert Spokane Surprised The new Miss Spokane's boss, Nathan H. Gellert, helps her into a chair after she was informed she had won. president of the gas company, a little more optimistic than Miss Thompson. "We she had an excellent chance," said.

Miss Thompson has been elected an officer of numerous organizations the last few years. During her last year at WSC she was president of Pi Beta Phi sorority. She said she is looking forward to "a rich, full and very interesting year" as Miss Spokane. She is not engaged, she said, but is "going steady" with "a fellow County Is Offered Golf Course Land The Spokane county park board this afternoon formally was offered a 110-acre tract of land near Liberty lake for construction of a golf course. The offer was made by J.

Orville Humphries, representing the Spokane Valley Country club. He said the land is worth an $100,000. Four park board members attending a special meeting this afternoon indicated they favored accepting the offer and two other members contacted by telephone indicated they also favored accepting. However, the offer must be acted upon by the county commissioners after a meeting with park board representatives. The county commissioners, who would have to allocate funds for the project, have not had a New Frequency Asked A request for a change of frequency from 1340 to 1230 kilocycles has been filed by Spokane radio station KSPO with the federal communications commission.

I've known for eight years." didn't identify him. Miss Thompson is a brunette 5 feet 8 inches tall. PETITION VOICES SAFETY WARNING A petition urging the city council to consider safety aspects of its plan to extend Stevens and Bernard as a South Side arterial is being circulated. Petitioners intend to submit their arguments to the city council some time in December after parents of children attending Roosevelt and St. Augustine's schools can be contacted.

Mrs. Lyle H. Funnell, S1308 Grove, one of the parents who started the petition, said the group does not propose any alternate route. It desires to call attention to the safety hazards involved in extending arterial traffic and higher speed limits on a roadway heavily traveled by grade school children, she said. also want to call attention to the congestion that will result in the vicinity of Lewis Clark high Mrs.

Funnell said. "All of us recognize the need for a outlet of some kind in the vicinity, but we do not want to further endanger our Talk Topic Told "My Responsibility as a Kiwanian to the Churches of My Community" will be discussed by Thomas B. Yates at the Country Homes Kiwanis club meeting at 6:30 p. m. tomorrow at the Wye restaurant.

Yates is director of men's the Christian (Disciples Christ) denomination in work, Washington and north Idaho. City News in Brief Public Records CITY MILK Sanitarian Olson will attend a meeting of Washington State Milk Sanitarians December 3, 4, and 5 in Seattle. His attendance was authorized today by the city council. OH, MY ACHING BACK! A few bucks will save it. Call FROSTO for Jeep snow -plowing driveways, parking lots.

downtown, RI FEDERAL Judge Sam M. Driver will speak on "Developments in Federal Criminal and Civil Procedure" for the Spokane County Bar association in the Desert hotel Friday noon. DENTURES ABSOLUTELY. Dr. A.

Keepings, 516 Old National to his office. New technique used on lower dentures. Closed Weds. MA 4-1909. Ad.

ENTRANCE examination for police radio operator will be conducted next Tuesday starting at 11:30 p. m. at the city hall, Civil Service Secretary John C. Beam said today. BE A QUICK STARTER in the morning with a new Columbia battery from Liberty Motors, only $7.95 with your broken down old one! E8700 Sprague.

WA 6-6201. Ad. ZETA CLUB will elect new officers at a meeting in Odd Fellows hall at 8 p. m. tomorrow.

THE WEATHER By U. S. Weather Bureau Sunset tonight, 4:01 p. sunrise to. morrow.

7:14 A. m. Moon rises tomorrow 2:29 A. sets. 2:25 p.

m. early Spokane- morning Generally fog: little temperature fair, some night Washington and northern IdahoCloudy or foggy, some clearing; little temto perature change. Expected 28 to 38. tonight, 15 25: high tomorrow. Montana, west of the continental divideFoR and low clouds in some valleys, otherwise fair: little temperature change.

pected low tonight. 10 to 25; high tomorrow. 25 to 40. Five-day forecast--Temperatures averaging below normal, highs from 32 to 44 and lows from 12 to 25. Little or no precipitation.

Highest temperature during last 24 hours, lowest temperature last night, and rain melted snow during last 24 hours, ending 4:30 A. H. L. P. H.

L. P. Spokane- Havre 46 22 .00 .00 Geiger 35 16 .00 Helena 47 16 Downtown 37 19 00 Kan City 53 36 .00 Albuquerqu 58 29 .00 Lewiston 31 29 Atlanta Anchorage 47 40 41 27 .00 Miami Angeles 81 59 42 54 .00 Los Burns 52 18 .00 Minneapolis 40 23 Billings 48 30 .00 Missoula 23 Boise 43 22 .00 .00 New Orlean 53 30 .00 Boston 46 33 New York 44 32 Buffalo 35 25 .06 Pendleton 28 26 Chicago 36 .00 Portland 46 39 Coeur d'Al 35 20 .00 San Fran 61 41 Colville 36 .00 Seattle 41 35 Denver 50 26 .00 St. Louis 43 21 Ellensbure 28 24 .00 Tucson 76 42 Ephrata Fairbanks 33 35 15 22 :00 Walla Wash. Walla D.C.

29 43 27 26 .00 Grangeville 30 11 Trace. Air College Prexy Takes New Position G. Warren Averill has resigned from the presidency of Northwest Air college in Spokane to accept position in Seattle, it was announced today. Averill was Spokane district sales manager for United Air Lines when he became president of the air college early this year. John McBride, chairman of the board for the air college, said directors accepted Averill's resignation but have not named a successor.

ATTORNEY PLANS TO APPEAL MOVE United States District Attorney William B. Bantz said today, he will "recommend" the appeal of the dismissal of one of the Columbia basin cases which al Judge Sam M. Driver said yesterday he will dismiss. Judge Driver heard arguments yesterday on defendants' motion to dismiss conspiracy charges against Western Cold Storage company of Moses Lake, C. H.

Reisner of Delano, the company's president; Clarke F. Mattson, Fred William Mattson and George Jones, all of Moses Lake. They were indicted here last fall in connection with obtaining water from the United States bureau of reclamation certain leased units in the Columbia' Basin project. Judge Driver held the bureau did not have, power to control leased, privately owned lands in the project under the law. He said he would sign an order of dismissal after the issues in the case are clarified by a bill of I particulars.

Bantz pointed out that Judge Driver's action in this case had no effect on other cases in which persons were charged with violation of the Columbia Basin act. Bantz said this was the only case in which leased, privately owned lands were involved. PHONE WORKERS APPROVE TERMS Spokane local 9118, Communications Workers of America, has ratified terms of a new contract negotiated last week with Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company. So have Walla Walla, Lewiston and Seattle locals of the union, Gravem, international representative, told the Associated Press in Seattle today. The agreement provides for wage increases ranging from $2 to $5 a week for 8000 telephone company workers in the WashingtonIdaho area.

CHILLY WEATHER WORKS NO HARM ON AREA CROPS The current dry and increasingly cold weather is having no adverse affect on Spokane-area crops and fruit trees, County Agent Clayton B. Kelsey said today. In fact, he said, the weather actually may be beneficial to the fruit trees. It has been cold enough to "harden them off" and prepare the trees for winter, he said. The disastrous effects of last November's sudden freeze, which destroyed or heavily damaged most area orchards, will not be repeated this year, he said.

Last year the cold snap, preceded by warm weather, caught the trees with the sap still moving. It hadn't been cold enough before the freeze struck to dry the trees out completely, he explained. Winter wheat crops are "looking very good," he said. Humidity and soil moisture level are generally high. There is "plenty" of soil moisture in the Fairfield area, although western parts of the county are "a little dry," he said.

EX-SPOKANE MAN IN EDITOR'S POST Harold Turnblad, who started in Spokane on a 33-year career with the Associated Press, will become editor of the San Mateo, Times on January 1, the AP reported today. Turnblad recently rechief of bureau for the tired, San Francisco. He formerly served as chief of bureau in Seattle. Skies Still Clear Over the Cascades Skies were generally clear over Cascade mountain highways today, the state highways department reported. There was fog, however, over Lookout pass on the tana border, the Inland Automobile association reported.

Road and snow conditions: SNOQUALMIE PASS -Overcast, in places, 17 inches old snow at summit, temperature 20. STEVENS-Clear, snow and Ice in places. 33 inches old snow summit, temperature 26. BLEWETT-Clear, snow and ice on road, 7 inches old snow at summit, temperature 13. WHITE-Clear.

snow and ice on road in places, 12 inches old snow al summit, temperature 16. SATUS-Clear, road frosty in places. Patches. of old snow at summit. temperaEAST CHINOOK-Clear, snow and ice on road, 4 inches old snow at Morse Creek.

temperature 10. WEST CHINOOK-Clear, road les In places, 2 inches old snow at park junction, temperature 37, rates open to Cayuse pass, inches old snow in ski area. LOOKOUT-Road bare and dry, no new snow. 10-inch total, forsy. Rites Held in California for Slain Ex-Spokanite (See other obituaries, page 27) Funeral services for a former Spokane resident killed last Wednesday evening in a murder-suicide were held Monday in San Francisco.

Mrs. Dorothy Chase Westfall, 48, daughter of Harry L. Williams, N5621 Post, was shot by her husband, Harry Westfall, 44, as they stood on mezzanine of crowded of the Sir Francis hothey Drake hotel San Francisco. Westfall, who also is thought to have been a former Spokane resident, then fired at his attorney, but the pistol misfired. He then shot himself.

Divorce Sought Mrs. Westfall had sought to end their five-month marriage by divorce, and the shooting climaxed an hour's meeting to discuss a property settlement, according to reports in San Francisco newspapers. She had charged in her divorce complaint that Westfall beat her, was subject to violent moods and had threatened to kill her and himself, it was reported. Westfall is survived by two sons by a previous marriage; one in Portland and one in Seattle; three grandchildren and her mother, who also lives in Seattle. George W.

Morrow George W. Morrow, 68, longtime Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company employee who retired in 1953 as supervisor of its civil engineering department, died last night at his home, N221 Argonne, Dishman, after a long illness. Born in Wisconsin, Mr. Morrow was brought to Spokane as a boy on the first Great Northern train to come through here from Havre, Mont. He late father, Charles, was conductor on the train.

He attended city schools, being graduated from the old South Central high school and the now defunct Blair Business college. It was at the college met his wife, Margaret, who survives. They were married October 22, 1913, the second couple to be wed St. Aloysious Catholic church. Moved to Valley in '25 The couple moved to their present home in the Valley in 1925.

Mr. Morrow, who had been with Pacific Telephone nearly 40 years, helped survey the area from Chelan to the Montana line in 1924 for the first long distance telephone line from Seattle to Chicago. At one time he played shortstop in the old all-city baseball league and was always an avid fan. Mr. Morrow was a member of St.

John Vianney Catholic church, the Elks and the telephone company's Pioneer association In addition to his wife, he is survived by a son, Charles, Seattle: a daughter, Mrs. Julia Ann Boneau, at the home; four grand- Travel Dominates Meeting Programs Programs at three of Spokane's downtown service club meetings tomorrow noon should put members in a mood to travel. Rotary club speaker will be Carl B. Warren who will discuss "Alaska and Japan by Air." Kiwanis club program will be a film, "Holiday in Hawaii." Lions club members also will see a film on skiing in Sun Valley and several ski instructors from the resort will be introduced. Exchange club speaker will be Lloyd J.

Andrews of Green Bluff, recently elected state superintendent of public instruction. BOND FORFEITED ON GROG CHARGE A $250 bond was forfeited yesterday police court by Robert Hunter, Airport road, on a charge of driving while under the influence of liquor. Bill Bernard N1218 Cannon, was fined $100 by Judge Gordon S. Lower on charges of negligent driving and failure to leave information at the scene of an accident. William 0.

Lamarr, N9123 Division, forfeited $75 on charges of negligent driving and failure to leave information at the scene of an accident. Fined on negligent driving charges were Bob L. Loomis, Norman hotel, $25; Carl G. Realing, N4622 Rebecca, $25; David B. Nelson, W1428 Jackson, $25, and Dennis Stallings, Manito boulevard, $15.5 Fined on speeding charges were Leon J.

Heinen, N4520 Lacey, $35 with $20 suspended; James R. Elms, S5424 Ivory, $15, and Paul E. Deloreta, E1704 Broad, $25. Forfeiting bonds on negligent driving charges were Gerald W. Baker, N3311 Lidgerwood, and Melvin L.

Hollis, Elll1 Glass. Forfeiting bonds on speeding charges were Chris F. Balke, E1218 Rich: Laurence L. W634 Providence: Richard L. Coppock, Colfax: T.

Roy Tnorderson, Seattle; Phillip Weiner, S1503 Lincoln; Francis T. Worden, N5218 Howard; Dennis J. Howard, E907 Indiana; Ottis Hegney, Springdale; Nell U. Snarski, N3804 Normandie. William Tanke, N2305 Girard place: Jim D.

Kammenga, Spokane trade school: Beulah L. Koontz, N1404 Locust; Bernice V. McDonell, E709 Thirty-sixth; Jack A. Wunderlich, E15406 Broadway: John O. Tonkin, 10294 Andrew, and Harvey E.

Edwards E1725 Hoffman, $5. UC Report Delayed Report meeting of the 1956-57 United Crusade resolicitation committee, scheduled for today, has been postponed until Friday noon in the Ridpath hotel, Franklin F. Trunkey, general campaign manager, said today. Spokane Daily Chronicle, Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1956.

5 Needy Families AidedYule Joys Offered by Salvation Army Illness, accidents and ployment are the main reasons why some Spokane families need Christmas help, Maj. Henry Lorenzen of the Salvation Army said today. "A woman with three small children, 6, 2 and 1, asked for help he said. "Her husband was badly hurt in an accident while sawing wood. family is getting emergency help from the county welfare department, and we gave some aid yesterday.

"It will be impossible for this family ot have anything for Christmas without outside help. Toys Available "So we will give them a Christmas grocery order and clothing for their children. They will vited to select toys for the children from our Toy and Joy shop." Major Lorenzen stressed that all clothing and toys for Christmas will be new. He estimated the Salvation Army will give assistance to more than 200 families this year. "There is quite a lot of sickness and unemployment he Spokane School Menus Cheese, fish, poultry and meat are dietary essentials included in the public school lunchroom menus next week, school officials said today.

ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Monday--Creamed exes on toast, buttered carrots, cabbage slaw, peaches, cookies, milk. Tuesday--Spanish rice. bananas: peas: salad with apples, celery and peanut butter sandwich, tapioca cream pudding, milk. Wednesday--Vegetable stew, fettuce with thousand island dressing, meat sandwich; fruit jello with bananas, pineapple, orankes: milk. sticks, toasted lunchmeat cheese carrot and celery sandwich, deep-dish apple pie, milk.

Friday-Fish, creamed potatoes, canned tomatoes, bread and butter, ice cream, milk. JUNIOR AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS Monday--Chop sues or creamed eggs on mashed potatoes, peach and cottage cheese salad, squash, chocolate pudding with whipped cream, milk. Tuesday-Spanish rice, deviled hot pickled beets, cabbage and carrot salad, applesauce la mode, milk. Wednesday- Vegetable stew. lettuce with thousand island dressing, raisin bread, ice cream, milk.

carrot sticks. green salad. corn bread, fresh grapes. milk. Friday- Oven-fried fish with tartar sauce, creamed potatoes, stewed tomatoes.

fruit tray, sundae, milk. said. "We expect we will have to give as much Christmas help as last year, when we helped 232 families." He said one of the SA's principal jobs between Thanksgiving and Christmas is to arrange to help less fortunate families at Christmas. Families who need Christmas help may apply to the Salvation Army, Volunteers of America or Catholic Charities, three United Crusade agencies participating in the 17th annual Christmas exchange, T. D.

Burger, UC executive secretary, Names Available Individuals and organizations who wish to help needy families at. Christmas may get names of families from the Visiting Nurses association, Spokane county office of the state department of public assistance or Catholic Charities, Burger added. All families will be checked through the United Crusade's central index so there will be no duplication, he said. Four Forfeit Bonds on Driving Charges Four drivers forfeited $25 bonds in Justice of the Peace Kathryn Ann Mautz's court yesterday on negligent driving charges. Forfeiting were Lewis H.

Patterson, E1634 Gordon; James Hentges, N730 Magnolia; Albert Earl Ferron, E6815 Fourth, and E. White Smith N5211 Maple. Leila M. Cox, S179 Post, was fined $22.50 on a similar charge. Forfeiting bonds speeding charges were Albert J.

Cozza, W1331 Nebraska: Nick S. Casebeer, Coeur d'Alene: David R. Schults, Opportunity; Clarence Herbert Jones, Glenside, James Lowery, E924 Indiana; Patrick L. Harringten. E1928 Fortieth, and James M.

Savage, N1441 Sunderlund. Walter R. McKinney, E6618 Second, forfelted bond on a charge of driving with fective equipment. Weston D. Orse walla.

E12104 Nineteenth, forfeited bond charge of not having valid drivias license. DENTAL PLATES Repaired Dr. Geo. E. Hurd DENTIST Phone MA 4-6887 415 American Legion Bids.

chance to learn details of the proposal and are awaiting a full park board report, Commissioner Carl W. Rudolph said. is the present board Commissioners, indicated that it of county commissioners would act on the matter. Action probably would be deferred until the new board takes office in January. The land is north of Sprague, with Molter road as the western look road the eastern boundary.

boundary and a point near Over-! The Valley Country club, whose membership voted to make the offer, included three stipulations: That the county agree to develop a golf course on the site, that the work begin by May 1, 1958, and that the first nine holes be completed by December 31, 1959. The golf course, if built. would be Roy Gunderson, county recreaself supporting, tion department, said. RUMMAGE SALE FRIDAY Browne area kindergarten will sponsor a rummage sale Friday at N4 Bernard. Proceeds will be used to purchase toys.

F. B. CAROTHERS, Spokane accountant, will discuss highlights of a recent meeting of the state board of accountancy at a meeting of the Spokane chapter, Licensed Public Accountants, tomorrow noon at the Coeur d'Alene hotel. NOT A ROOM IN TOWN that won't be inspired by ENGER'S clever new colors in wallpaper and paint. W923 -Adv.

ELLA BOOLE WCTU will meet Tuesday noon at the home of Mrs. William Coddington, S510 Bowdish road, for a luncheon, Christmas party and exchange of gifts. YOUR ADVERTIsem*nT placed in this column will enter over 75,000 homes each Phone MA CHARLES L. MEYERS, E8205 Sinto, has been elected to the board of directors of the Spokane Junior Chamber of Commerce, replacing Ray Miner, resigned. SOUND BARRIER BROKEN by amazing new Baldwin Organ percussion, Murphy's, N17 Monroe.

Ad LARCENY of a typewriter from the Salvation Army office, W245 Main, the night was reported today to police. SPECIAL: Tile or leatherette board, 24c per sq. ft. PARSON'S Wall Covering, W1023 1st-Adv. MRS.

JAMES D. FAKE, W4111 Rowan, told police yesterday her dog was poisoned and died shortly after she let it out of the house. WINNIE KURTH, R. Electrologist. Hrs.

4-5. Sat. 10-5, 516 Am. Legion Bldg. RI THEFT of $15 and a television set from his room was reported to police yesterday by Gerald F.

Norris, S108 Monroe. EASY DRIVE-IN CAR RADIO REPAIR and sales. At Modern TV Repair, N1803 EMERGENCY, L. hospital Graff, 2, attention S1611 Helena, last night after the boy rubbed finger nail polish in his eye. SAVE AND GIVE your discarded clothing and salvage to Volunteers of America: call MA TRIM GROUP of Liberty Park Methodist church will have a covered-dish supper at 6:30 tonight at the church.

UNION-MADE XMAS CARDS for individuals or business, Spokane Greeting, S216 (children, a great-grandchild and a niece and nephew Seattle. The body is at Thornhill's Valley home. Dwaine L. Hammell Funeral services for Dwaine L. Hammell, 22, E9601 Maringo road, who was killed instantly Monday in an automobile accident near Ritzville, will be held at 10 a.

m. Saturday at Whitney funeral chapel, Bonners Ferry, the Rev. Bruce F. Caldwell officiating. Burial services under direction of Hazen Jaeger's in the Valley will be held at 3 p.

m. Saturday at The Pines. Mr. Hammell was born in Nebraska had been a Valley resident since 1951. He joined the Navy in 1952 and after serving in the October.

Far East, When was he was discharged killed. he his way to Moses Lake to take a job with Boeing Aircraft company. Mr. Hammell was a graduate of Bonners Ferry high school. He is survived by his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. John H. Hammell, at the four sisters, Marilyn, at the home; Lois, Spokane; Mrs. near Bryan Turner, Bonners Ferry, and Mrs. John Powell, Spokane, and a brother, Robert, at the home.

Joseph P. Young Funeral services for Joseph P. Young, N4311 Adams road, will be held at 2 p. m. Saturday at Hazen Jaeger's in the Valley, the Rev.

Roy E. Howes officiating. Burial will be at the Pines. Mrs. Young, a retired Trentwood rolling mill employee and Trentwood resident 10 years, died yesterday at his home.

He was a resident of the Spokane area 45 years and was formerly employed by Simons company 20 years. GAS ASSOCIATION NAMES CHAIRMAN Richard Shanks of the Industrial Instrument Supply company was named chairman of the board of the newly organized Inland Empire Natural Gas association at a meeting last night. He was one of the 10 directors elected at the organizational meeting. Others Neupert, Leonard Alberts, Ray G. Penning, E.

W. Crouse, Thomas O'Connell. C. E. Womach, Sam Stillwell, Fender and George Murray.

The directors adopted a constitution and bylaws. Rolls Tossed About Rolls from a display case were hurled around Westminster bakery, N4920 Market, by burglars during the night, police reported today. Police said the bakery was entered through a window 8 or 9 feet above the ground. Pennies were taken from the cash register, officers reported. LINCOLN FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSN.

How did LINCOLN get 73 million dollars in Savings? CITY COUNCIL today approved a contract with Whitworth college for the Cage Bowl basketball game December 4 at the Coliseum. BURGLAR, broke into the KingN5112 Haven, and took $2 from a cash drawer, police reported today. THE RECORDS Born in Spokane hospitals during the a day, 24-hour November period 28. ended at 9 a. m.

WednesSt. Luke's To Mr and Mrs. Calvin Graves, N5724 Martin, girl. Mr. and Mrs.

La Verne Axel, Mead, twin boys. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bursch. E524 Empire, boy.

Sacred Heart To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burnham, W3119 Central, girl. To Mr. and Mrs.

William Perkins. S523 University, boy. To Mr. and Mrs. Foster Rawson, route 5.

To Mr. Spokane, and boy. Sirs. Dalias Matkin, E701 Euclid, boy. To Mr.

and Mrs. Gust Kallas, Opportunity, boy. To Mr. and Mrs. F.

Norman DePender, Colbert, girl. To Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Whitney, Loon Lake, boy.

To Dr. and Mrs. John T. Tsalaky, E1364 Fourth. girl.

Fairchild Air Force Base To and Mrs. James E. Guerin. W2311 Buckeve, pov. To and Mrs.

Raymond Steviz. E812 Thirty-seventh. girl. To Airman and Mrs. R.

L. Phillips. Summit motel, Spokane, boy. Deaconess To Mr. and Mrs.

Donald D. Restad, N2114 Division, boy. To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R.

Graig, route 6, Spokane, girl. To Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Smith, 7209 Mahr court.

girl. To Mrs. Joseph Hathaway, E1514 Rockwood, girl. To Mr. and Mrs.

Ellis Skinner, E13419 Twenty-second. girl. To Mr. and Mrs. Donald E.

Kelley, W1324 Columbia, girl. CITY BUILDING PERMITS Farrow Construction company, W3922 Heroy; residence. $13.950: W3938 Heroy, residence. $13.950 John Maland. S4319 Magnolia: residence.

$30.000. A. E. Holquist. N2807 Stone: residence.

$11.000. MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS Howard Buckingham Doris L. Buckingham. Spokane. Lyle R.

Oliver and Peggy M. Moore, both Spokane. Howard W. Gibbs. Geiger AF'B, and Jeannine M.

Nordby, Spokane. Donald McKay Creston, and Eda M. Lewis, Spokane, Ronald M. Sommers and Terry Carol McQueen, both Spokane. Albert D.

Jackson and Carol Jane Ow. ings, both Spokane. Omar J. La Count. Fairchild AFB, and Dorothy Grace Brennan, Spokane.

NEW SUITS FILED IN SUPERIOR COURT Union Oil of California vs. Jack Schoenwald AS Basin Freight Lines. $804 claimed due. Union Oil of California vs. Commercial Distributors.

$1356 claimed due. Helen D. Gebeke vs. Norman A. Gebeke.

divorce. Rose E. Farris vs. Troy J. Farris, divorce.

Martha J. Ashby vs. Floyd Ashby, separate maintenance Jessie Rossi vs. Anthony C. Rossi.

divorce, Joseph L. Heath Jr. vs. Fleet Service, $1337 claimed due. M.

Buhl vs. Virginia L. Buhl. divorce. T'ain't easy.

Might be because of Lincoln's insured safety and the big generous dividends paid twice a year. But chances are it's a lot of things--like the big parking lots at our neighborhood office at 29th and Grand for South Side folks, or at our North Side office on Northwest Boulevard. Or the handy drive in window at our centrally-located downtown office. Or our free notary public service or the fact that we sell or cash U.S. Savings bonds.

Or it might be on account of some of the many other Lincoln, services listed below. These LINCOLN Services are for YOU Insured Savings Accounts Registered Cheques Sold Christmas Club Savings Mortgage Loans U.S. Savings Bonds FHA Improvement Loans Sold and Cashed Pass Books Loans Downtown Drive-in Window Escrow Service Traveler's Cheques Sold Safe Deposit Boxes Free Notary Public FEDERAL SAVINGS 29th at Grand Blvd. N. 120 Wall 2215 Northwest Blvd Spokane, Wash.


Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.